My spiritual journey
This is my most significant journey and where my treasure lies.
I’m absolutely committed to complete Divine realisation, and this is the primary orientation of my life. I’m grounded in the expression of divinity within the Christian tradition. Exploring the mystery of the Holy Trinity is my first calling, but I have always been open to, and interested in, other wisdom traditions - particularly the eastern traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Constants along the way have been meditation, prayer, contemplation, the natural world as a support for direct mystical experience, the awareness of the sacred and sensitivity to divine presence.
I have several areas of expertise where my knowledge, experience and interests meet the needs I see in the world. Please go to the section on teaching offerings to discover these areas. All content offered as workshops and retreats can be explored in one-on-one private consultations too.
My influences include the work of John O’Donohue and Rumi, one of the most celebrated mystics of all time.
My favourite poem by e.e. cummings tells you much about my spirituality and love of nature.